Sensorization and Monitoring of Urban Spillways.

Wireless “iLOGS Overflow” dataloggers for applications in Urban Spillways
Sensorization, communication and monitoring of events related to water floods in environments urban damages derived from events such as storms, overflows, etc.
- Blockage and rupture of sewer lines
- Excessive stormwater in sewer lines during heavy rains
- Malfunction of pumping stations or failures in the electrical supply

- Power: Mains, PV and/or batteries
- Water Level Radar Sensor
- Water Velocity Sensor
- Capacitive Water Detector
- Digital Inputs (4 to 8) & Analog Inputs (2 to 4)
- Digital outputs: 2 optional
- Wireless Communication: GSM _ GPRS _ GPS _ RF
- Wired communications: RS485 (ModBus RTU)
- Protection: IP65 _ IP67 _ IP68
- SCADA: Configuration, Monitoring & Data Management
- Cloud computing
- Historicals, Trends, Alarms & Reports
- Interface with Database, ERP, etc.
- Remote device firmware update